For information click on PHOTOGRAPHY header above.
Order code, is in bold lettering, on title of each photograph.
Also available as GREETING CARDS
In my Tasmanian cottage garden
Spring, November 2017.
Bearded Iris close up
Bearded Iris
Blue Iris

8"x12" $16.95
(RRP $19.95)
(RRP $19.95)
Blue Iris close up
Bumblebee (I) (Bombus terrestris) on Buddleia flowers (also known as Buddleja.)

8"x12" $16.95
(RRP $19.95)
The Bumblebee is not a native of Tasmania, it was first discovered there in 1992.
Bumblebees (II)

8"x12" $16.95
(RRP $19.95)
(RRP $19.95)
Bumblebee (III)
Bumblebees (IV)
Bird nesting (Ia)

I discovered a nest inside this bush, then saw this beady eye
peering out at me...she didn't budge an inch.
It has been a cold & wet spring for her to nest in.
8"x12" $16.95
( RRP $19.95)
peering out at me...she didn't budge an inch.
It has been a cold & wet spring for her to nest in.
8"x12" $16.95
( RRP $19.95)
Bird (Ib) close up

Ixia Viridiflora (I)

8"x12" $16.95
(RRP $19.95)
Ixia (II)

Flowers & objects in a garden setting.
(These pictures below, taken on my property, are just for interest and not for sale.)
Inca Lily (I)

Inca Lily (II)


A different setting on my camera was used to achieve a softer look for these, pretty, highly perfumed, flowers.
Honey bee on Pink Daisy

Lupin (I) (pink)

Lupin (II) (purple)

Gladioli (I) (pink)

Gladioli (III)


Cheeky & handsome (I have to say that to keep him happy) Mr Troll.
His home is in a wheelbarrow, at the top of my garden,
where he guards the place from intruders.
He has a solar night light near him which makes him an interesting,
if not creepy, night feature.
His home is in a wheelbarrow, at the top of my garden,
where he guards the place from intruders.
He has a solar night light near him which makes him an interesting,
if not creepy, night feature.

Old & wise, Mrs Owl, sits on a log near my studio.

Sweet little elf, chillaxing.

Gargoyle on sundial.

Mr Happy
Snow in Deloraine August 3, 2015.

Always happy, even when covered in snow. Brrrrrrrr!!!

Mr Sad

Oh dear, what a face!


Mini cyclamen in a fern tree trunk.

If the Coddling moth don't ruin the apples, the birds will!

Rhododendrons outside my Art Studio.
Close up photos of Rhododendrons, for sale, are under...
PHOTOGRAPHY/Tasmania/Gardens & trees.
Close up photos of Rhododendrons, for sale, are under...
PHOTOGRAPHY/Tasmania/Gardens & trees.








August 31, 2014.
This photo was taken on the last day of Winter.
The flowers bloom when it is still very cold,
it is such a pretty and welcoming sight.

'Blue Pacific' bush, which attracts hundreds of bees in the spring.
Metal Art bird feeder, which I commissioned a metal art sculptor to make,
using a plough disc that my farmer friend Greg gave to me.
The discs come all the way from Mukinbudin in Western Australia.
(I have another two Metal Art sculptures, using more of the plough discs...
see one under MORE/My Tasmanian Art Studio.)
Next to the bird feeder is some Farm Machinery
which I also brought with me from WA.
The little terracotta hut in the foreground, says...
This photo was taken in 2014 and the garden bed shown is twice the size now. I haven't planted anything more Tasmania flowers just appear. Birds and the wind carry the seeds, dormant bulbs, self seeding plants etc.
Metal Art bird feeder, which I commissioned a metal art sculptor to make,
using a plough disc that my farmer friend Greg gave to me.
The discs come all the way from Mukinbudin in Western Australia.
(I have another two Metal Art sculptures, using more of the plough discs...
see one under MORE/My Tasmanian Art Studio.)
Next to the bird feeder is some Farm Machinery
which I also brought with me from WA.
The little terracotta hut in the foreground, says...
This photo was taken in 2014 and the garden bed shown is twice the size now. I haven't planted anything more Tasmania flowers just appear. Birds and the wind carry the seeds, dormant bulbs, self seeding plants etc.
Blue Pacific bush

Apple blossom


I removed all of my lavender bushes as they had become very old.
They self-seeded and a year later I have fresh new lavender
popping up everywhere.
They self-seeded and a year later I have fresh new lavender
popping up everywhere.